Fungal Infections

Fungal nail infections are common and can affect fingernails and toenails. They cause changes to the colour and structure of the nail, whether they are surface infections or deeper on the nail bed. People may only have one nail that is affected, or several nails and the skin may also be affected (athlete’s foot). Fungal infections can take a long time to treat and people are frequently discouraged when they have been using a home treatment that has not worked. Rather than treatments applied to the surface of the nail, some people benefit from fenestration treatments. This is a process whereby small holes are made in the nail, allowing medication to directly access affected nail beds. For more information about fenestration treatments including Clearanail, see below.

Fungal infections are not always the cause of discoloured or thickened nails. This is why it is important to see a podiatrist to confirm your diagnosis, before you undertake any treatment. If there is any doubt, it is a good idea to have a fungal nail test before starting any treatment, or if you have been treating the nail for a long time without success. The clinic uses a 5 minute fungal nail test that provides rapid results shown to have an accuracy of 97%. Both new and current patients can book fungal nail tests.

See below for suitable appointment types to help you treat Fungal Infections.

What appointments are suitable for treating fungal infections?

  • This is the first appointment for all patients with podiatry (chiropody) concerns. Personalised advice and most routine care such as treatment for fungal nails, or athletes foot, will start during this appointment. Some people may only require this one appointment. Some people may need a number of appointments to resolve the problem, or for ongoing care.

  • This is a follow up appointment for people who have attended a ‘New Patient Podiatry/ Chiropody’ appointment within the last twelve months. People who require a few follow up appointments, or regular help with treatment for fungal or thickened nails, should book this appointment.

  • This is the first appointment for all patients with podiatry (chiropody) concerns, who know that they would like a fungal nail test during their appointment. Personalised advice and most routine care such as treatment for fungal nails, or athletes foot, will start during this appointment. Some people may only require this one appointment. Some people may need a number of appointments to resolve the problem, or for ongoing care.

  • This is a follow up appointment for people who have attended a ‘New Patient Podiatry/ Chiropody’ appointment within the last twelve months and who know that they would like a fungal nail test during their appointment. Treatment for fungal or thickened nails and personalised advice about treatment and prevention may be started during this appoinment.

  • Clearanail is scientifically designed to be a fast and highly effective treatment for fungal nail infections, including advanced infections.

    This is a controlled and painless method that creates micro holes in the nails, which allows anti fungal medication to reach the nail bed.

    Clearanail appointments last about 30 minutes depending on the number of nails being treated. After your appointment, you will be issued an anti-fungal spray to use on a daily basis for 2 weeks.

    If you are unable to reach your feet to apply medication, you may find a fenestration appointment more suitable. Fenestration is a similar method to Clearanail, but medication is applied during your appointment and so does not require any home treatment.

    People with significant fungal nail infections, may require more than one treatment.