Corns and Callus

​Corns and callus are painful areas of hard, thickened skin produced by your body to protect high pressure areas.  They may be caused by increased activity levels, a lack of cushioning in footwear and even when the alignment of toes causes pressure. As we age, our feet also lose their natural fat pad and this can lead to increased development of hard skin, which makes walking uncomfortable and painful.   

If left untreated, corns and callus will build up and the healthy skin beneath may ulcerate. For people who have recently developed corns and callus, a one off appointment and personalised advice about prevention may be enough to resolve the problem. For those with more longstanding concerns, several appointments may be required to ensure long term comfort. Specialised gel injections can also help reduce problems in bony areas of the feet and help resolve longstanding corns.

See below for suitable appointment types to help you treat Corns and Callus.

What appointments are suitable for treating corns and callus?

  • This is the first appointment for all patients with podiatry (chiropody) concerns. Personalised advice and most routine care such as treatment for Corns and Callus, or cracked heels, will start during this appointment. Some people may only require this one appointment. Some people may need a number of appointments to resolve the problem, or for ongoing care.

  • This is a follow up appointment for people who have attended a ‘New Patient Podiatry/ Chiropody’ appointment within the last twelve months. People who require a few follow up appointments, or regular help with treatment for corns and callus, or cracked heels, should book this appointment.

  • Performed under local anaesthetic, this procedure injects hyaluronan into a specific area of the foot. A substance naturally occurring in the human body, the dermal filler creates a cushion under high pressure areas, or between toes.

    This appointment is suitable for people with painful or problematic corns and callus.

    For more information, or to receive our Patient Information Leaflet, please contact the clinic.